Copyright 2008 David Harford
An explanation of why I have chosen this topic and its importance to me at the present time.
An overview of the theory of parallel process, including critique of each theorist’s particular stance and a number of personal innovations.
Consideration of the application of parallel process theory to clinical practice, together with several hypothetical examples.
In terms of my personal growth, the concept of parallel process is particularly important to me in my current context of commencing practice as a newly endorsed practitioner and, therefore, experiencing formal supervision of my therapeutic work for the first time. In making this transition, I am conscious that my Adult awareness of patterns of interaction must necessarily expand to integrate this newfound level of relational complexity in my work. Where once I was primarily concerned with, ‘the interpersonal pattern of the dyadic therapeutic relationship’1- itself an intricate relational structure with many superimposed levels of communication- I am now mindful of the triadic relationship of client, therapist and supervisor with its attendant network of transactional and transferential interaction, mutual expectation and various contractual and ethical responsibilities. As Keith Tudor notes in his outline of ‘An Organising Framework for Supervision’ (2002):
‘The relational and three-handed nature of supervision clearly emerges: The implications for the supervisee / therapist and the therapeutic relationship both parallel and are paralleled by the supervisory regards “Okness”, autonomy, respect, open communication, etc.’2
In addition, prior to encountering parallel process, my understanding of the therapeutic relationship had largely been limited to Mothersole’s ‘micro level of attention’ (1998), with an emphasis on, ‘the minutia of particular interventions….looking closely at the work transaction by transaction’3 and the bilateral exchange of client transference versus therapist countertransference. However, on an intuitive level, I have always thought this too simplistic a vision and, by applying the theory of parallel process to my thinking, have arrived at a much more global view of the multiplicity of transactional and transferential interactions both within and outwith the therapeutic-supervisory triad; concurring with Mothersole that, as therapists, ‘we are as much a part of the systemic field as the [supervisor] or the client. We are a subsystem within the treatment system’, and that, what is going on reflects aspects of all concerned’4.
The Theory of Parallel Process: A Critical Review
It was the psychiatrist Harold Searles (1955) who first observed that, ‘psychotherapists often behave in supervision in the same way the patient behaves in psychotherapy’5, but, crucially, M.J.G. Doehrman (1976) introduced the notion that the client was not solely responsible for initiating this unconscious dynamic; ‘that themes can pass from the supervisory relationship to the therapeutic relationship as well as the other way round’6. As Clarkson notes, Eric Berne (1972) was not slow to notice this bidirectional play of ulterior level communication and his account of, ‘the common form of transference reaction as it occurs in psychotherapy’7 and its corresponding countertransferential reaction hints at an ‘intuitive understanding of the interdependence of transference and countertransference’8, though he never went as far as to extrapolate this idea to the corresponding interaction of the therapeutic and supervisory relationships. Indeed, as far as TA theorists are concerned, we have to wait until Petrūska Clarkson’s work (1991/1992) for a detailed examination of this phenomenon.
After a cumbersome and, in my view, somewhat confused division of transference and countertransference into client-initiated and therapist-initiated categories and then, again, into complementary, constructive, facilitative and destructive subtypes, Clarkson (1992) finally offers a definition of parallel process as, ‘the interactional field of the psychotherapist / client field replicated in the psychotherapist / supervisor field’9, unfortunately, with typical repetitiousness and circularity of language. A similar, though clearer definition is offered by William Cornell and Michel Landaiche (2006) in:
‘Parallel process is a form of transference in which the practitioner enacts with a third party (typically a supervisor) dynamics that originally arose with a client….the supervisor and the therapist can also create a parallel process that is then conveyed back to the patient’10.
Rather better are Clarkson’s diagrammatic representations of parallel process, which capture the essence of these complex interactions quite effectively in a straightforward visual framework, though, again, not without a certain degree of inconsistency and confusion. Of the two diagrams reproduced in both Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrated Approach (1992) and her earlier TAJ article (1991), the first example is probably the most successful, based as it is on a simple metaphor of mirroring.
Less successful is Clarkson’s portrayal of ‘The Interactional Field in Context’, where she attempts to delineate the cyclical system of transference and countertransference continually in operation between therapist and client in order to demonstrate that, ‘Any combination of patient and therapist reactions to each other thus forms a dynamic field which is manifested in the supervisory relationship and referred to as parallel process’11. Strangely, Clarkson neglects to include representation of the supervisory relationship in her diagram and, most puzzling of all, arranges her arrowed vectors of unconscious interaction so that they connect therapist and client transferences and countertransferences respectively, rather than the expected transference-countertransference pairings.
A further peculiarity in Clarkson’s otherwise valuable work arises in her uncritical reference to Moldawsky’s (1980) distinction between ‘parallel process’ and ‘parallel process phenomena’12; the former alluding to the characteristic system of transference and countertransference manifested in the supervisory relationship and the latter identifying its mirror image in therapy. Interestingly, this needless division is absent from her later book (1992), as it appears to contradict her subsequent assertion that, ‘To seek first causes in such a complex, dynamically interactive situation seems futile. It is more fruitful to recognize the co-occurrence of such phenomena’13. Indeed, Clarkson proceeds to debunk the notion of original causation altogether by invoking the quantum physics of Danah Zohar (1990) in order to posit the phenomenological similarity of parallel process and fractal theory in that any single transferential transaction within the therapeutic-supervisory triad is representative of the entire system, or as she puts it:
‘Parallel process [is] a fractal of the field….representing (even though in minute form) the structure of the larger whole….No matter how small the size to which it is reduced, the essential features of the field will remain present and available for inspection’14.
Not least among Geoff Mothersole’s (1998) contributions to the evolution of parallel process theory is his percipient awareness of the myriad social and cultural factors impinging on the therapeutic dyad- and, by implication, the therapeutic-supervisory triad- when he says of the ‘Macro’ level of observation:
‘The supervisor bears an important responsibility for seeing that issues of culture and ethnicity are a part of the supervisory agenda and that what Kareem (Kareem & Littlewood, 1992) described as “societal transference” (p.22) issues are explored’15.
Although Mothersole neglects to provide any clinical evidence of socio-cultural parallel process in action and, as yet, I have no examples in practice myself, it is not difficult to envisage numerous hypothetical situations in which such dynamics might arise. Consider, for instance, the arrival of a black client in the consulting room, which triggers a negative countertransference reaction in a white therapist with a deep-seated mistrust of the ethnic minorities deriving from introjected parental values which have yet to be integrated into Adult awareness. Consider, in turn, the countertransferential discomfort experienced by a white supervisor upon hearing of this new client; a supervisor who happens to share some of that same unconscious prejudice. And what of the male supervisor who discounts a young female therapist’s concern for her client with a snort of Critical Parent derision in the same way that he discounts his daughter’s anxieties over school? What if that inexperienced therapist were to adopt a conciliatory Adapted Child stance in response to her supervisor’s transference- an unconscious identification reinforced by the way that he resembles her late father- and then pass some of that same Critical Parent derision onto her female client? Without prompt Adult intervention, the possibilities for counter-therapeutic, ‘games based on: ‘Since I am a healer, if you don’t get better it’s your fault (e.g. ‘I’m Only Trying to Help You’)’16 and other ‘Games that are tenaciously played in the therapeutic [and supervisory] situation’17 are potentially limitless.
Submitting to the categorising imperative evident in so much TA theory and appearing to return, too, to the precept of original causation in spite of Clarkson’s co-option of quantum physics, Mothersole goes on to outline three types of parallel process based on the source of the initial ulterior transaction. Type 1 is identified as, ‘the aspect of the process that can be seen as emanating from the client and is replicated by the supervisee in the supervision’18; the classic clinical illustration being the client with a Don’t Think injunction, whose helplessness in therapy is reproduced in supervision by a therapist confused as to how to progress their treatment19. ‘Type 2’ and ‘Type 3’ are ascribed to the therapist and supervisor respectively, before Mothersole again demonstrates a shrewd appreciation of external socio-cultural influences on parallel process through the concept of, ‘Lateral Seepage….emanating from outside the current triad, e.g. relating to another client or reflect[ing] organizational dynamics’20.
Keith Tudor (2002) further enriches the stock of available approaches to the study of parallel process in clinical practice by advocating:
‘The use of transactional analysis proper (i.e. analysis of transactions) and applying Berne’s….criteria for ego state diagnosis to situations in supervision when a process- whether the client’s, the supervisee’s, or the supervisor’s- is being presented, discussed, and analyzed as a possible parallel process’21.
After providing this simple, yet effective diagnostic model, Tudor borrows further from Berne’s work- on this occasion, adopting his first rule of communication (1964/1968), which states that, ‘as long as the transactions are complementary, communication [and, by extension, parallel process] can, in principle, proceed indefinitely’23, and the natural corollary that, ‘communication is broken off when a crossed transaction occurs’24- in order to hint at a possible means of intervention. Though he foregrounds the strategy only very briefly, Tudor suggests that a supervisor, or indeed a therapist, might confront the ongoing transferential and countertransferential chain of complementary transactions by responding, ‘from integrating Adult, thus cutting across the parallel process’25.
Despite the obvious applications of such an elegant illustration within both clinical and supervisory practice, Tudor’s account of parallel process is not without its problems. Most notably, his confident assertion that, ‘the supervisor is more separate from the client and the therapeutic relationship and thus more able….to identify such processes and, in reflecting on them, to generate options for therapeutic responses [and] interventions’26, though true in the sense of physical separateness, contradicts Clarkson’s established quantum view of the therapeutic-supervisory triad, where, ‘the idea that the observer can remain “neutral” and not influence the observational field is quite disproved’27. There seems to be an implicit reluctance in Tudor’s argument to admit the possibility that, ‘supervisees may be part of a projective identification process initiated by supervisors, outside the conscious awareness of either’28, as though a supervisor, by virtue of ‘superior’ skills and experience, might somehow be able to operate beyond the influence of the interactional field. Personally speaking, I believe Mothersole’s reflections on ‘mutual influencing and intersubjectivity’29 to be a much more accurate assessment of the all-inclusive narrative of parallel process, where:
‘As supervisors we are as much a part of the systemic field as the supervisee or the client. We are a subsystem within the treatment system….We are in a web of mutual cocreation of the story and of the frame within which that story is understood from the moment that the system emerges’30.
Drawing inspiration from Mothersole’s constructivist view of the therapeutic and supervisory relationships as fluid intersubjective spaces, where complex, multilayered narratives are created by the continuous interplay of social and ulterior level transactions, transferences and countertransferences, I have come to understand parallel process as the manifestation of recurrent script motifs running contrapuntally through those narratives beneath the level of conscious awareness. If not firmly confronted from the Adult ego state by a watchful therapist, or supervisor, these counter-therapeutic motifs can serve to reinforce damaging script beliefs and rackety behaviour for all three participants in the therapeutic-supervisory triad and, ultimately, produce the ‘well-defined, predictable outcome31’ of a game payoff, which, in the worst case scenario, could potentially bring the pathological narrative of an individual’s life script closer to its tragic finale ‘in the surgery, the courtroom or the morgue’32.
That said, given the ‘figure-ground nature of human perception and psychological processes’33 identified by Gestalt psychology, it is clearly impossible for any therapist, or supervisor- no matter what their degree of skill or experience- to be simultaneously aware of all aspects of ‘the interactional field of the therapist / patient field [as] replicated in the therapist / supervisor field’34. Furthermore, as Clarkson (1991) sagely observes from her quantum, co-creative perspective, there is little value in trying to attribute responsibility for initiating the chain of parallel process to either the client, therapist, or supervisor, as, ‘To seek first causes in such a complex, dynamically interactive situation seems futile’35. Consequently, there is a very real danger for the therapist, or supervisor who wishes to tackle manifestations of parallel process in the consulting room of becoming entangled in the ‘web of mutual cocreation’36, of getting stuck in ‘a form of articulate paralysis’37, where the complexity of conscious and unconscious interaction in any one moment is beyond human comprehension; a trap to which a beginning practitioner like myself, with a tendency towards exhibiting ‘Be Perfect’ driver behaviour in professional settings, is particularly susceptible.
One possible route out of this perceptual bind is offered by the very same Gestalt thinking that, in a sense, presented the quandary in the first place. As Clarkson (1991) suggests towards the end of her article, when we seek to confront parallel process and restore Adult-Adult interaction in the therapeutic-supervisory triad:
‘It is certainly more pragmatic to place the emphasis on those areas where it is possible to achieve the maximum leverage or most efficient resolution….In other words, at the moment of therapeutic engagement in the relationship, it may be most useful to consider that patient [or therapist] transference and therapist [or supervisor] countertransference are most likely to provide the richest and most accurate options for intervention’38.
This treatment approach represents an innovative combination of the figure-ground model of human perception, the fractal theories of quantum physics and more traditional TA interventions around confronting games and rackets in that it is proposed that by interrupting the interactive chain of parallel process at any point ‘within the treatment system’39, by crossing a single ulterior transaction in the cycle of transference and countertransference, a client, or therapist can be invited back into Adult awareness and the entire character of the therapeutic-supervisory interactional field changed from a system that reinforces script and pathology to one that promotes psychological good health for all concerned, or as Berne (1964 / 1968) would describe it, ‘The attainment of autonomy [as] manifested by the release or recovery of three capacities: awareness, spontaneity and intimacy’40. In this way, Clarkson manages to transform what might seem to be an insurmountable task, that of perceiving and effectively confronting the myriad transferential and countertransferential possibilities extant in any particular therapeutic-supervisory triad, into the comparatively simple matter of crossing a transaction- which is both ‘useful and empowering’41 for a beginning practitioner like myself.
1. Petrūska Clarkson, Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy: An Integrated Approach
(Routledge, London, 1992)
2. Eric Berne, Games People Play (Penguin, London, 1968)
3. Eric Berne, What Do You Say After You Say Hello? (Corgi, London 1975)
4. Petrūska Clarkson, ‘Therapeutic ‘Further Through The Looking Glass: Transference,
Countertransference, and Parallel Process in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy and Supervision’, TAJ 21:3 (1991)
5. Geoff Mothersole, ‘Levels of Attention in Clinical Supervision’, TAJ 28:4 (1998)
6. Keith Tudor, ‘Transactional Analysis Supervision or Supervision Analysed
Transactionally?’, TAJ 32:1 (2002)
7. William F. Cornell & N. Michel Landaiche, ‘Impasse and Intimacy: Applying Berne’s
Concept of Script Protocol’, TAJ 36:3 (2006)
I wish more authors of this type of content would take the time you did to research and write so well. I am very impressed with your vision and insight.
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