Saturday, 20 March 2010

Promoting good mental health and well-being among Leithers

Having moved to Leith in 2007 and rapidly developed a strong bond with the place and its distinctive sense of community, the decision to set up my counselling and psychotherapy practice here was a natural next step.

I've always been curious as to what makes people tick- and, sometimes, what causes that mechanism to wind down, or stop- and I'm particularly interested in the mental idiosyncracies of the average Leither, if there is such a being. That strange contradiction so often apparent between expressing great pride in their local area and, frustratingly, a tendency to let the place become slovenly and unkempt. The look of incredulity you might be greeted with in some quarters if you mention that you might venture uptown to Edin-bra for a night out...."Why ya gau-in up there!?"

In many ways, its a source of great pleasure and personal satisfaction to be providing a much-needed service to people in difficulty in the place I hold in great affection and esteem. For many years, I've missed that feeling of belonging to something a little larger than four walls, or a small circle of friends and, though it borders on cliche, I enjoy the notion of giving something back to the community that gave me a sense of being at home.


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